I land in LA three hours before I leave Christchurch having
crossed the International Date Line.
I am here to stay with Michael and he has rented a little
house perched on a bluff in Malibu having recently returned from his own round
the world adventure. This is the longest
by far I have been in any one place in 9 months and a nice way to wind down from
the travel. During our time in Malibu, a mixture of practicalities and catching
up with for Michael and site seeing for me, we formulate our next move. We decide that as I am heading back to
England, it might be fun to drive across America to the East coast and pick up
a flight from there. Squeezing in one last adventure before the reality of hoping
home hits hard.

Point Dume
The view from our little house
Our little house
Santa Monica
Hike to the Hollywood sign
On a drive home
Venice boardwalk
Venice Beach
San Diego
San Diego Zoo
Fossa, giant tortoise, fennic and a dik-dik
And a really cool orangutan
The sign at the end of our road where everyone stops for a photo
More pellicans